>I wonder how many others there are that
>might have had something interesting to share that will not post
>now because the rudeness some here have exhibited?

It is true that the tone of the debat kept me at bay.
I am myself not living with 1000 calories (i don;t know how much in
but eat a lot and allways did and eat fruits vegetables meats nuts and
seeds). But i always wonder if  it might be an answer for me to reduce
caloric intake drastically and it will appeal to me to be able to do
but never managed to do so .
I have been impressed by the  report of an explorer who was reporting
amazing endurance of the people in India who were loading a big ship
carrying tons of merchandize on their back all day long with only a
bowl of
rice in their stomach.
I think there is many example of peoples thru the world managing a
active life with very little caloric intake and it is not even raw.or
I am open to hear that loren is able to sustain an active life on
food , And i am open to learn that loren might b deluding himself
deliberatly lying to us.
The power of denial and the distortions of perceptions are such that
it will
not be a surprise. I know lot of drug addict and alcohol drinker  not
able to adknowledge to themselves the extent of their addiction. And a
foodist being involved in "helping others" will have hard time to
admit that
himself is not  able to live up  to  the theories that he is teaching.
Let us know loren if you are forgetting to tell us about all the times
are getting outside your model diet.
What is the point of living with so little food in the 1st place. Why
someone will even try to reach that goal? . If it just happens to
as a consequence of choosing health that is great . But Tom your
is not going to stop somebody who see a low caloric intake as a goal
worth to be aimed. If somebody jump in the wagon of redemption and
sacrifice to save himself from the guilt, no reasonning is going to be
helpfull . The most loving things to do , might be just to let them
discover thru their  own experience that nothing outside themselves
save them from their innerstruggles . Nothing outside themselves can
them ever, their OWN CHOICE only can do that.
I am learning myself that i am completly powerless over the choices of