I see your already thinking along the correct lines.  Just think,
"could a hunter-gatherer have found this food?"
Thus you can eat Beef, Pork, Chicken, Rabbit, Deer, Fish,
and such.

I vary it with occasional weeks with no bacon and eggs.
Some times several days of no meat.  I try to get every kind
of lettuce and salad over several weeks.  I especially eat fruits and
berries as they are in season.  Lots of blue berries.
Sometimes blueberries with a little brown sugar. (not quite Paleo)
Occasional french fries.  Carrots, tomatoes, squash.
Also don't forget to cheat once in a while so life is not too dull.
Also lamb, veal.

Richard Keene, Novell Inc, Provo, Utah, 801-861-4389,
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