<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I just need to vent here ... bear with me please.

I took my 5 year old to the 'Nutritionist' this
week.  Another modern miracle of misinformation.


Spoke of Celiac/Gluten sensitivity ... she (like
so many others) said 'well they have tests for
that' ... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
yeah tests that are not accurate unless you are
ingesting gluten.  *sigh*

Then she questioned everything I was doing ...
said I was giving my disabled daughter (who weighs
31 pounds now!) WAY too much protein.  Well ...
she's thriving since I'm giving her that much
protein.  Her body is filling out and her cognition
is much improved.  She says I'm giving her too much
fat ... the Doctor says give her more fat.

She (like the Ped Gastro before her) wanted to put
her back on the magic pill formula.  I'm trying to
get her OFF formula (especially the pre digested
milk one she reacts to so badly!).  She asked why
I was giving my daughter enzymes in her bottle!
well *duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

It's just a double bind.  There is no way out.  I'm
going to try and get her to another Ped Gastro ...
certainly not the one we saw last time that put her
BACK on milk with me kicking and screaming ... her
little ears were ruptured and bleeding within 4 days!

This woman suggested I try some formula that is not
milk based ... it appears that it's SUGAR based to
me.  *sigh*

Anyone know a decent Ped Gastro that might be a little
enlightened in Phoenix?

Thanks ... I feel better.  This is such hard work.

