<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


My name is Amy and I've just started trying to eat GF this week.  It's hard!

Question:  If I want to make my own homemade soup, what can I use to thicken
it instead of wheat flour?

Question 2:  My kids are showing the signs of being Celiac.  They are 2.5
and 1 year old and have at least 3 or more bowel movements per day.  Plus
are very skinny despite eating lots.  They are now eating what I eat, but is
that safe?  Will they get all the nutrients that they need?

Question 3:  Where is an inexpensive source for all the different kinds of
rice/corn/bean flour?

Any information you could give me is appreciated.  I've already messed up
countless times this week - who'd known how many things flour is in ~ even
with reading labels, I'm not always sure what is what.

