<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello list.  I am the mother of a Celiac.  My son has been on the gf
diet since he was 10 months.  He is now 2 1/2.  I get so tired of
"sloothing" out the hidden gluten in the ingredients on just about any
product I would like to purchase for my son.  It often is so
frustrating....and discouraging.....after taking the time to call a
place to have them say; "I can't tell you that over the phone....but I
will send you a brochure."

Long story made short is:  Most companies are very AWARE of the GF
status on their products...to the point that they have neat little form
letters and/or brochures all made up.  Why cant all label say "contains
gluten" or "gluten free" ?  I realize they are afraid of a
lawsuit....but it is discriminatory to force a population of people with
a disease to not know if a product contains "poison or not".

October is coming up....it is my understanding that it is Celiac
awareness month.  I have already begun to make my legislators aware of
the travesty of this situation....and I would encourage you all to make
some noise too. Call, write, email.  Make them aware of this population
of voters...ask them how to get the ball rolling to see changes made.

Call me an idealist....but it is my hope that when my Celiac son is
older; he will know what he can and cant eat with a simple glance of a

It really COULD happen.

Nicole Britton