<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi  ALL, just in case anyone may be wondering ;
 I got a few replys about gums and excessive dental problems when having
caps etc. Unfortunately I wrote them down and went on vacation and lost
them. It seems that a few people responded with similar problems of undue
sensitivety and excessive recovery (if they ever do) from having caps and
dental work done.. One person even had the cap removed and changed and
another had to have the tooth pulled. I find it hard to beliere that all
the the dental problems we have are actually from some "gluten" in the cap
or filling etc. I think there has to be something else going on here as
well for some of us. What that is _i don't know. It seems the more I learn
about this condition the more bewildered and less certain I become.  I now
think that what fits under the criteria of CD may be just small portion of
some larger complex condition that is really the problem-I don't know!!
 Most agreed that the GF diet could be better than a regular diet because
we eat to live and not live to eat(my words) and thank you all for the
suggestions for snacks etc. If someone could send me a live- in cook I
would could live like a Queen as there is no problem eating well without
Gluten in my opinion, but most of us don't have time and energy to make it
right for ourselves. Thaks all- I learn something every day here    Donna
in Pa