<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks so much to all of you who took the time to respond to my question
about the confusing food allergy testing results I received through the
Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab.

In summary: all of the e-mails reflected the opinion that testing for
food allergies through blood samples sent to a lab, no matter how
reputable it is, is not an exact science. One person recounted the story
of someone who had sent blood to a lab that was drawn from a goat,
without telling them that it wasn't a human sample. (little humor here)
The results came back, and the goat was found to be allergic to beef. Oh,

Food elimination, in order to find a source of allergy was suggested
repeatedly. And two books were recommended  -   "Eat Right For Your
Type," by Dr. Peter D'Adamo, and "Dr. Mandell's 5-Day Allergy Relief
Program," by Dr. Marshall Mandell, M.D.

Thanks again to all of you wonderful people out there who show so much
caring through this list! Christie in Texas