<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Folks,
I've just had a co-worker mention what I believe is a new twist - at least
for me - for celiac disease. Her daughter has been diagnosed as IgA
deficient but not celiac. Her problems are celiac-like, as in digestive
issues, diarrhea, etc.

But this is what surprised me. The doctor said that because she is IgA
deficient, her blood could build up certain antibodies, especially after
some significant trauma, such as child birth. And then, once the antibodies
were in place, if this girl is given a blood transfusion, there could be
serious complications. Something to do with the antibodies reacting with the
introduced (via the transmission) blood cells. The girl will be wearing a
medic alert bracelet for the rest of her life to warn health practitioners
about this antibody concern. She will also be banking her own blood.

Is this something that celiacs should worry about? Have any of you heard of
this before? I will summarize.

Thank you,
Stephen (father of Braden, now 5 and flourishing)
Kitchener, Ontario