Hi Everyone-

For those of you who are getting this twice I apoligize. I'm back from the
wedding in Idaho and I had a great time.  It went prety much with out any
hitches except that the bride's father's cammra broke the morrning of the
wedding, and the bride got sick the day after the wedding because she had not

I brought my wheel chair along but never used it so it was mostly in the way
especialy dealing with the airline but no big deal.

There was much running around of course--many last minute things to get done.
 We ate out almost the whole time I was there because we were all so tired.
It is a college town so it has alot of neet restraunts  in it.  At one
callded Jhony B. Goods they bring your burgers to you in paper cadalacs.

Well I guss I better get going, lots to do.
