The 503+ (v1.2A, don't know about earlier versions) will run 100MHz FSB with
EDO RAM just fine.  The board has built-in correction for the clock
mis-match.  You can even run DIMM bank 0 with SIMM(s) but you have to fart
around with BIOS settings forever to make it stable (slow).  Many
motherboards do not handle clock mis-match.  Also look at 400MHz CPU...about
+15% speed for about +$15 more.
Martin Kurr
email [log in to unmask]
> From:         Paul Jones[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Subject:      [PCBUILD] 100MHz bus and EDO ram
> A student of mine has been told that if he wants to put an AMD K6-2/350 on
> a FIC VA-503+ MB, he can't use his old EDO memory because of the 100MHz
> front side bus.

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