>From: Richard Keene
>The indians in Upstate New York used maple syrup
>in many ways.  They were rather agricultural and
>raised tons of corn.  Thus had lots of corn
>bread.  I immagine that maple syrup was a treat
>on corn bread.

You don't need bread, pancakes or any other food to eat maple syrup!
Here in Quebec, we simply drop it slowly on fresh clean snow and it becomes
a bit hardened. Then we stick a twig in the middle of the small puddle of
syrup and voilą! instant soft caramel. Of course you don't eat it every day
(anyway, by the 3rd maple 'candy' the sweetness is too overwhelming!)
Natives liked this too.
That's pretty paleo to me!
That's the only use I'd see with it.Spring ain't spring without a bit of
maple candy :)


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