>In a message dated 8/30/99 12:31:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>[log in to unmask] writes:

>Ya know, I've actually been thinking lately that I was somehow doing myself
>harm by not eating constantly, what with all the "6 small meals a day"
>I had to do that when I was experiencing more hypo attacks...but not now.
>I'm glad to see that one can thrive on a one a day feeding..cuz by accident
>it seems to be working for me... even with heavy exercise.
I find too that the less sugar/carbs in a diet, the less hungry I am during
the day. Also, emotions have a place -- the more I'm enjoying myself or
engrossed in what I'm doing, the less I eat. I started school today and went
six hours between breakfast and lunch, something I could NEVER do at a desk
job, for instance, out of sheer boredom.

Modern society doesn't have the proper focus on personal and spiritual
fulfillment -- the U.S., at least, seems to be just a high-stress,
money-making society.


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