
Here is the link to the homepage of The Cerebral Palsy Society of New

Here are the names of the institutes working in this area in the Wellington
Region which i got from "More Information" section of the web site.

Conductive Education Wellington Trust
Early Childhood Unit
Wheatley Street
New Zealand
Phone 64-4-577-3480
Fax 64-4-577-3478

Naenae Primary School
Conductive Education Unit
Wheatley Street
New Zealand
Phone 64-4-577-3480
Fax 64-4-577-3478

Hope you find this information useful. Please let  me know whether the
information was useful to you.

Vinayak Khadye
Ashdeep Foundation
Better Future for Children
We are an internet based entity engaged in building a repository of
resources engaged in rehabilitation of disabled and deprived children.
Currently we are focussing on children with Cerebral Palsy.

You can be a friend of Ashadeep. For details check out our web-site:

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