your camp souunds absolutely a wwonder, esp. since a large share of people
with disabilities never,never go outside
3 quick quweriesc from a 1-fingered typist
1) what is a cooper car?
2) how much acreage did you all have to work with?
3) was there any overnight camping or stargazing or  both?
oh,yes,did you have a vespers service for outdoor worship? how did thatv go?
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-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth Hill Thiers <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, August 01, 1999 9:06 AM
Subject: Our great Camp (at least I like to think so)

>Hello fellow listers,
>I've been quiet again this week after working so hard to catch up with my
>mail last weekend.  Had family over and also this was camp week.  Usually
>at this time of year, our patient loads are pretty low so, the speech
>therapist decided to start a camp.
>The camp is for children who are physically challenged and/or may be using
>augmentative communication devices.  We call it Camp Candu.
>This year we had an abundance of volunteers, some typically developing kids
>and six campers.  We had a full week of activities that included shaving
>cream fights, swinging, bubbles, skating, biking, a Cooper car, horse back
>riding one day, a luau, parchute play, basketball, dancing, and lots and
>lots of laughing.  The best part of the experience other than the big grins
>and obvious fun is the remarks of the parents especially ones like "I
>didn't know they could do ...."
>By Friday we were tired but had a great luau with grass skirts and leis and
>a real Hawain trained polynesian dancer (who's just about one of the nicest
>people you are ever going to meet).
>We've got lots of pictures and as soon as we have our website for the
>office and camp up and running, I'll send you the URL.
>Hope your summers are going well, I feel sorry for you folks up North who
>aren't used to the heat.  Us, we just head for the air conditioning and the
>Elizabeth Thiers, OTR
>email: [log in to unmask]