"Stay in touch, for holding hands is not a sign of weakness, it is a symbol
of power which helps overcome the emptiness of space and relentlessness of
- Adhip

Dear All,

I am glad to inform you that we have updated our site with the information
on Conductive Education. If you want to know more about conductive education
visit the following section on our web site:
Cerebral Palsy > Treatment.

Our address is: http://members.tripod.com/ashadeep

I am thankful to all those who helped us in constructing the Conductive
Education section on the web site by sending their queries.

Thanx a lot for your support.

Warm Regards,


Ashadeep Foundation
Better Future for Children
We are an internet based information centre engaged in building a repository
of resources engaged in rehabilitation of disabled and deprived children.
Currently we are focussing on children with Cerebral Palsy.

Please take a look at our web site and give us your suggestions/comments so
that we offer quality information to our visitors.

You can become a friend of Ashadeep.

For details check out our web-site: http://members.tripod.com/ashadeep

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