<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received this request for information from Bob Rusling.  I know of one
occurance in a celiac but no studies in this area.  If anyone has any
experience or medical data, I would appreciate the information.

If I obtain any results, I will summarize back to the List.

Michael Jones  [log in to unmask]  Orlando, FL USA


Somewhere I saw a passing reference to sensitivity to second hand
tobacco smoke and gasoline odors in patients with celiac disease and
hypothyoidism.  I am looking for a more extensive source of information
on this subject.

In particular, I am interested in the question of whether any unusual
sensitivity to such odors is primarily a "nuisance issue", in the sense
of heightened awareness of the odors in question, or if exposure to the
odors can trigger or exacerbate other symptoms of these disorders
(or even aggravate the underlying disease process in any way).

The individual in question with the above disorders  complains of a
hypersensitive olfactory awareness of second hand smoke odors drifting
in from a neighboring apartment, as well as gasoline vapors from
outside.  So, the issue is of a general environmental sensitivity,
rather than the obvious fact that such a person should not be smoking or
working at a service station.  This person is newly diagnosed with both
celiac disease and hypothyroidism, and has a number of troubling
symptoms.  She is trying to make an intelligent decision as to whether
to change her living situation, hence the concern over whether the odors
are a nuisance issue versus the possibility of aggravating other

I'd appreciate any specific references or other information in your
database on these questions.  Thank you for your anticipated assistance.