<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Everyone

I have written before about my problems but now have some new questions.

Brief history: I appear to have all the classic symptoms of CD. So
underwent a gluten challenge for a month (after been GF for 2 years) to
find out. All tests came back negative, so there is no evidence to say I
definitely don't or do have CD. Except my ESR was slightly raised and
the specialist suggested inflammatory bowel disease. Since then I seem
to be more sensitive to other foods, but have noticed since been GF
again my eyesight has improved (and so has my knowledge of GF foods).
Also, all bloods show I am very healthy.

Anyway, I went to see my GP (primary doctor) yesterday and we discussed
my results or lack of. What I want to know is can gluten be the only
thing to cause a inflammatory bowel??? Seems bizarre to only have
symptoms when I eat gluten. And would an IB be the cause of my fuzzy
head, etc?

Also, my doctor said that I do not have to read labels (to check for
gluten), and that I will not get a reaction with all wheat products, it
would depend on the process of the wheat. Is this true? I find it hard
to believe, especially when I appear to get a reaction no matter what!
Besides I thought the only GF wheat was that used in Ireland etc, and I
know that we definitely don't have that in NZ.

Now that my doctors will not do anymore tests I was wondering if it
would be worthwhile getting a gene test done, since I will not ever do a
gluten challenge again. At this time I know my doctors will not do this.
My mother and brother may be going to the US in January for tests (yes,
my brother is sick as well), so I was wondering if it would be possible
to send my blood over with them to be tested? Can someone please send me
the email address of the person to get in contact with?

Any help would be appreciated, meanwhile I am going to try to see a
blood specialist, am not holding my breath though.

Thanks everyone, you are such a great group.
