<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi there
remember my post about Essene and Ezekiel breads?
I had referred to the book 'Eat Right For Your Type" in
which the author believed that these sprouted breads
were OK for O blood types.  I asked for your input!

Well the responses were disappointing!

One person attempted to correct my grammar, even though
I thought I had all my 'parts of speech' in a row.

Two people were downright rude about the author of the book,
admitting that they had never read it, but believed it to be anecdotal,
and one was even more rude to me for being so gullible as to read it.

One person had tried sprouting breads but had suffered a recurrance
'undiagnosed celiac' of her symptoms.

Most had not tried the two breads, in question, but were also
wishing to find out whether they were safe for celiacs.

One person suggested that:
('sprouting' is also known as 'malting', and so if 'the sprouting
process' destroyed the gluten, then malted barley would be OK,
which it isn't, and that bean sprouts, radish sprouts, sprouted
whatever would be known as 'zero protein' foods, which they
are not.)

So I am back at square one!  I realize that the book, referred
to, was not written specifiaclly for celiacs, but it has many useful
insights which might make us more aware of the overall picture.

Thanks for all the responses.

Valerie, California