In a message dated 7/26/99 4:04:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [log in to unmask]

> Sounds like some sort of candy-assed do-gooder cricket food to me. Gimme
>  Napalm for these bastards

Sounds like Ralph is "hopping mad".... must be the heat. Cool off, Ralph.
Have something in a frosty glass and forgit about them crickets. As we say on
the Krugman Wildlife Preserve.... they're all God's creatures, just one of
nature's layers. Remember how cute Jimminy was? Well, these are just the
same... except they're ugly, they can't carry a tune, and don't have a
contract with Disney. They have great leg muscles, though. Maybe you should
channel their energy and  begin training them for the Tour de France next

-- Mary Julep