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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 05:57:41 EDT
Subject: African Leaders Ban Gov't by Force
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African Leaders Ban Gov't by Force

.c The Associated Press


ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) - African leaders will ban governments that took power
by force from attending future gatherings until they accept democratic
reforms, South Africa's president said Wednesday.

President Thabo Mbeki, speaking at the last day of an Organization of African
Unity summit, mentioned Niger, Guinea-Bissau and the Comoros, whose leaders
had staged coup in the last year.

``We have decided last night that the governments coming to power by military
force will not be allowed into the next summit,'' Mbeki said. ``In the
meantime, we will be working with them to return them to democratic society.''

He said a special OAU summit will convene in Libya Sept. 6-9, to look at how
to deal with renegade governments, as well as address the restructuring of
the 53-member organization to make it more efficient in preventing future
conflicts. They also want to be able to deploy an African force quickly to
help resolve conflicts.

It wasn't immediately clear what criteria would be used to determine which
leaders would be banned or how far they must go toward restoring civilian
rule. Most countries in Africa have military-backed leaders, but Mbeki said
those questions would be discussed in Libya.

Zambian President Frederick Chiluba wanted the three African coup leaders
banned immediately from any future forums and gatherings on the continent,
but Mbeki insisted on working with them first to make sure they restore
civilian governments or take steps toward it, diplomats said.

Mbeki also expressed hope for a partial peace agreement for Congo - yet to be
signed by the Congolese rebels fighting to oust President Laurent Kabila -
despite the continuing fighting on the ground.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan met with Kabila and his allies from
Zimbabwe and Namibia Tuesday to discuss the role and size of a possible
peacekeeping mission to Congo, Africa's third-largest nation.

Although the six nations involved in the 11-month Congo war signed a peace
agreement last week, rebels who rose up against Kabila a year ago refused to
sign because of internal squabbles.

Rwanda and Uganda back the Congolese rebels because they say Kabila, whom
they put in power in May 1997, failed to get rid of rebels who attack them
from bases in eastern Congo.

Kabila and his allies were reportedly pressing Annan to push for a speedy
U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing the deployment of a big
U.N.-backed peacekeeping contingent.

Annan's spokesman, Fred Eckhard, said the secretary-general was reluctant to
recommend a peacekeeping mission before the rebels signed on to the agreement.

Attempts were also underway to end the 14-month border war between Ethiopia
and Eritrea before participants in the 35th summit of the Organization of
African Unity adopt final resolutions today.

Outgoing OAU chairman and Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaore reportedly
met with both leaders Monday night in an effort to get them to implement an
11-point OAU framework agreement that requires Eritrea to withdraw its forces
from the Badme area they occupied in May 1998.

AP-NY-07-14-99 0557EDT

 Copyright 1999 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.

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