>Well, I sure am glad SOMEBODY spoke up! :) I was beginning to think
>that maybe there wasn't anybody on this list that had good feelings
>about their college education!!

I think it depends on the field. I figure I'd be a better teacher if I
not gone to college. It sucked but I got to watch a lot of movies
at the campus theatres. Indeed, I took a little class every semester
years just to be able to use the pool on campus...;)

>I know plenty of people that would give their  EYE TEETH to be
>able to go to college - to have access to all that information, all
>the books, all that thinking of those who have gone before us!  And
>the opportunity to be around people who care about what you care
>about, and have a respect
>for scholarship, and research, and critical thinking. What can I
>say, it sure seems like a great thing to me!! :)

It can be little more than a commodity these days with the government
licesnsing for nearly everything.

I was quite bummed by college. I thought finally here would be some
people but they weren't. I guess they were all in the physics
department. ;)


Secola  /\  Nieft
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