Rengarajan Periasamy <[log in to unmask]>:
>Mahatma Gandhi was a raw foodist - on the later part of his life!

It is true that Gandhi experimented with raw diets; it is documented
the book "Diet and Diet Reform" by M.K. Gandhi, Navajivan Publishing,
Ahmedadab, India; 3rd reprint 1977.

However, 1) Gandhi himself recommended that one should consume milk as
part of a raw foods diet (p. 18 of above ref), 2) the raw diet
they conducted (with a group of Gandhi's followers) was in fact a
(most stopped the diet after less than 1 year!). Many people reported
weakness, emaciation (p. 26 of above ref.) - the usual symptoms that
so common on long-term 100% raw vegan regimes.  The experiment was
discontinued after failure-to-thrive manifested itself. Readers are
encouraged to check the reference cited above, for full details.

Tom Billings