Hi Marcia,

In "The Eat Right Diet" / "Eat Right For Your Type", it is explained
lectins in wheat are particularly involved with upsetting the proper
of insulin in the body.  Adjusting your diet to avoid the lectins that
are  bad for your blood type could be greatly worthwhile.  Also
to a good protein-fat-carbohydrate balance (noting the difference
hi- and low-glycemic foods, and limiting the hi-).
Good luck!

At 10:13 AM 7/26/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Looking for recommendations.  I have been diagnosed with gestational
>diabetes.  Before pregnancy I was about 75% raw, including RAF.  I have
>backed off from some of the raw items do to lack of appeal and/or in
>some cases current philosophies on bacteria and harm to unborn children.
>After a week of monitoring my blood sugar, diet and exercise, there are
>some unexpected highs and lows.