<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have been on the GF diet since January 1999 after being sick (anemia,
diarrhea, etc.) for three years.  Blood tests and a biopsy confirmed that I
was Celiac.

I felt great until the last three weeks and I cannot figure it out.
Symptoms are low energy and general nausea - I referred to it as having my
"head in a cloud".  My face even feels hot.  But NO diarrhea.

I went into the clinic today to give blood for testing (B12, ferritin, etc.)
and talked to my doctor briefly and he asked me if I had been traveling.  I
was traveling overseas and in the US for five weeks (late April through
early June).  He immediately suspected that I had been exposed to gluten
during my travels.  While traveling, I got one case of severe diarrhea but
that was it.  Generally speaking, I felt fine during my travels.

Have any of you other Celiacs ever experienced similar recurrences?  I was
so confident about my good health and assumed that everything was going to
be just fine.  It sure is disheartening to feel bad again.
R. David Nackerud
Portland, Oregon
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