>Yes, it could.  But that raises another question, which is the one
>regarding the contention that hardened mucous and ancient undigested
>toxic stuff stick to the walls of the intestines, and must be
>dislodged through special efforts. I have read all the books (in
>fact I have them in my lending library), as well as the convincing
>and realistic-looking pictures of gruesomely fascinating, blackest
>black, 50-pound sculptured lumpy snakes of ancient intestinal
>encrustations; and I've heard many discussions of this phenomenon.
>My problem is that every colon hydrotherapist that I have ever
>talked to (and I know an awful lot of these personally, across the
>U.S.) tells me that he or she (they're almost all female it seems)
>has never PERSONALLY seen anyone eliminate this kind of thing
>(although they all seem to have all those same pictures and books
>and charts, too). Adding to my confusion is that what I learned in
>college anatomy & physiology is that the colon sheds and eliminates
>it's lining every day, which would preclude it from accumulating the
>kind of black stuff that adherents of this theory speak about.
>I happen to be a clean freak (kind of like Howard Hughes. or the
>Church Lady), so I'd just love it if I could do a cleanse thing on
>myself and get all those nasty dirty things out. And I'd be the
>first to start espousing this widely as a new cult. But so far I
>can't seem to be able to find any trustworthy evidence to support
>this theory. Sell me on it, please! :D What has convinced you?

About this issue . i heard about an experiment done on a dog : they
cut part of the intestine made a closed loop with it saw everything
back inside the abdomen. After a while they open again and found the
loop full of fecal matter despite they were no connection with the
rest of the intestine.