i do not know what to do.

basically i still eat raw vegan, but i am not balanced emotionally as
want to be, so sometimes (not often, fortunately) i resort to cooked
and junk food for comfort and pleasure (and maybe for health reasons,
as it
will become clear as you read on).

having said this, i want to ask why could it be that ANYTIME i eat
heavy junk food, then for a few days i no longer have any low blood
at all.
i have candida overgrowth in my intestine (according to dr. gabriel
cousens), and raw vegan means low blood sugar unless i rebound, lift
weights, sunbathe a lot, ride my bike, etc. (too tense, too much
i want my blood sugar to be normal just because, i do not want to
it"). another bizarre thing is that the foods that make me feel the
sugar-wise are... you guessed it: FRUITS !! i have way worse
when i eat ANY FRUIT than when i eat chocolate or anything with white
sugar, regardless of the quantities of either white sugar or
natural health-promoting fruit sugar". this is crazy, according to the
gospel!! i mean, fruits make me feel SICKER for a long time, whereas
sugar does not!! i do not think eating white sugar is a good idea, of
course not, but i am just mentioning this in case somebody else has
experiences. "fruit has fiber, so the sugar is absorbed slowly (the
time it
takes to digest fruit)" whereas "white sugar has no fiber, so when you
it, oh, terrible, the sugar gets absorbed very fast, and it is almost
a drug, your sugar levels go to the sky, and then plummet, etc" my
says all this is FALSE. of course i am not very knowledgeable, so
simply i
do not know how having a candida overgrowth can relate to all this. or
maybe, when i eat refined sugars and/or flours i generally eat fat,
this slows it down, but no, if i eat avos with dates or bananas, it
not slow squat, i get the super sugar blues. but not with chocolate
pastry!! does anybody has any idea on this?? i am really curious,
the fact that it gives me the chuckles just thinking about how
dogmatic and rigid i have became regarding food, to the point that i
more to the (in this case) meaningless theory instead of my wise
body. i have been hyplogycemia-free also with cheese sometimes. cooked
vegetables do not help, potatoes do not help, avos do not help, what
worse, unprocessed cooked vegetable matter does not cut it either.
processed grains and cheeses.

whatever it is, or whatever combination of factors, it happens when i
heavy food, preferably processed. this sounds like GREAT GREAT GREAT
Reynold's diet (thanks paul, i haven't laughed that hard in a long
time, i was crying and my face red, great -;)

what do you post-vegan-post-raw fooders think? similar experiences

there is more. for a few days after i eat some junk, i regain the
pre-natural hygiene, pre all of this health stuff
normal-i-am-young-and-full-of-energy-all-the-time feeling i enjoyed
all of
my previous life. yes, i did not have candida, but it seems that junk
is so good somehow, that it even beats candida out!! my digestion goes
with fruit sugar, but not nearly as mad with junk deadly white sugar!!
mean, think about it!! it is too funny, no?

the feeling i refered to above is like a base feeling: you are ok,
have no
serious health problems, and have LOTS of energy to do sports anytime,
anywhere. i used to feel like that all of my life until natural
hygiene and
candida. sometimes i hypothetize that my body is DYING for something
whatever macro nutrient/different source of energy, etc in junk that
lacking in almonds dates, avos, lettuce, etc. could it be that i need
grains, flours? maybe TONS of raw cheese? i read "we want to live"
recently, and i just could not believe my eyes!! and the book has been
praised (can i say praised?) here in this list. he recommends _butter_
_honey, basically as much as you _want_!! funny, funny, funny, when i
his explanations for the hospital staff (he gave honey-butter to his
son, and also blended raw meat with i don't remember what, and sure
his son reacted QUICK and was out of the woods) i was visualizing all
raw vegan "laws" and again LOL.

i said this here before: i am not attracted to raw meat of any kind.
and i
trust my body. i could be too brainwashed and out of touch though, and
recognize my need for it. but i think tomorrow i will get myself some
organic cheese and give it a try.

there is more. when i eat junk or dairy, i drink less water (again,
the theory has it that with junk your body is more intoxicated and
more water to process the stuff, and also that junk food is generally
water, whereas "super-good-for-you-incredibly-healing-spiritual raw
digest oh so easily that you need very little water, if any).  my real
experience contradicts all this.

there is some kind of "life energy" that i lack with raw vegan but
fast with crap of any kind. any healthy alternative you guys can think

btw i hope this helps others with similar experiences if you are
(or posting) out there.


axel makaroff

PS: i apologize to the list if i am being too personal, too boring,
whatever you might think. i just felt like sharing, and do not have
time to analize word by word if the message was appropiated enough for
list -;)