>I'm a spinach nut -- oxalic acid be damned. :)  I also eat all kinds
>of lettuces, kale, parsley, cilantro, celery, broccoli, cabbage, but
>not the really bitter stuff.  (Raw kale was a big surprise to me.  I
>expected it to be nasty, but it was just spicey in a very flavorful
>way, almost like mustard.)

Also beet greens.  Good beet greens have a natural salty flavor that I
simply love! I also like turnip and collard greens, although I
have to cook the collard greens to keep it from being too gassy.

>I'm wondering what people think about grasses.  Do instinctos have
>any desire for them?  Does anyone really like them?  I've had wheat-
>grass juice, I've had those Barleygreen-type preparations, and I've
>chewed on fresh grasses.  All tasted terrible to me, and I know I'm
>not alone in that opinion.  Do y'all think it is in the natural
>scheme of things that humans eat grasses?

I use wheatgrass juice on fairly regular basis ... it tastes truly
but was helpful in cleaning out my system during my bout with cancer.
Natural?  Who knows?

Irene King