
>No harm in speculating.  I would be very surprised if he got his degree
>from a "legitimate" college - not that I respect "legitimate" degrees
>that much anyhow.

But if you're the one being speculated about, especially in a negative
you probably wouldn't like it very much.  I guess I'm a old-fashioned
but I still believe in things like the Golden Rule.

>"Friendly" yes but not necessarily well-thought out or responsible which
>is what Liza was pointing to. JR never posted much to this list so it
>should not take you long to form an opinion of the quality of his previous

If she had merely pointed out  where his post was not well thought out
responsible, it would have been a positive contribution.  But dredging
stuff from the past to expose a person's "credibility" easily becomes
smear tactic and a way of avoiding the topic at hand.

I think we would all benefit tremendously if, each time we read a post
from someone, we read it as if the person were completely unknown to
Then we will find that we can learn an amazing amount even from people
we thought had nothing to teach us.

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