>Ah! The famous Arise and Shine! My local herb shop told me that
>Richard Anderson has been in jail for the last several years, and
>that the Arise & Shine products were taken off the shelves, because
>of some dangerous pharmaceutical drugs (I forget what now, but if
>you're interested I'll get all the gory details) that he had been
>adding to his supposedly natural formulas.

>Sure, get me the gory details, but make sure they're accurate before
>you slander him in public.  What you have said so far doesn't sound
>totally correct to me.

Passing on what she was told at the health food store is not slander
but gossip. I see no harm in that.  It is not like she was caught with
her pants down willfully twisting facts to make them fit some hidden
anti-vegan agenda. ;-)

>You are really too much.  You admit that you don't know where or how
>he became a naturopathic doctor, but then you go on anyway to imply
>that he got his degree through the mail.  Bastyr is not the only
>legitimate naturopathic college around.  Why don't you make sure your
>facts are correct before you slam people in public?

No harm in speculating.  I would be very surprised if he got his
from a "legitimate" college - not that I respect "legitimate" degrees
that much anyhow.

>First you jump on JR, a layman who never pretended to be anything else,
>who was only offering some friendly advice, citing as your evidence some
>mysterious information in "the archives."

"Friendly" yes but not necessarily well-thought out or responsible
is what Liza was pointing to. JR never posted much to this list so it
should not take you long to form an opinion of the quality of his
