
>My problem is that every colon hydrotherapist that I have ever
>talked to (and I know an awful lot of these personally, across the
>U.S.) tells me that he or she (they're almost all female it seems)
>has never PERSONALLY seen anyone eliminate this kind of thing
>(although they all seem to have all those same pictures and books
>and charts, too). Adding to my confusion is that what I learned in
>college anatomy & physiology is that the colon sheds and eliminates
>it's lining every day, which would preclude it from accumulating the
>kind of black stuff that adherents of this theory speak about.

I personally have seen lots of stringy black tar stuff come out in the
early days of hydro-therapy.  Then the combination of increased raw
and hydro-therapy seemed to have done as much as needed, no more
tar stuff.  Then my hydro-therapist encouraged me to do a 10 day
and combine it with three hydro-therapy treatments.  Nothing unusual
first two treatments, but on the third there was another round of
black tar, some of which was in rather big chunks.
