>I taught oncology for a while in grad school. It is very very well
>established that a vegan diet reduces the incidence of cancer. I believe
>the raw living foods diet also reduces this by a factor of several fold.

The curiosity is that most tribal cultures don't develop cancer and
are neither all-raw nor vegan. It's not as simple as you may like it
to be
on the cancer front. There is quite a correlation between hours/day of
wearing and incidence of breast cancer, and exposure to sun and skin
cancer, etc. While nutrition affects everything (including attitude)
may not be the sole cause of anything in a complex world.

>We do understand what causes cancer. It is not an unnatural process. In
>time all living things develop cancer when their immune systems fail. In
>humans this is designed to be at about age 120. Errors in lifestyle,
>environment, and some genetics bring this on earlier. As I say it is a
>universal disease of the immune system failing to destroy aberrent cells.
>I have posted a 27 page article on the web explaining all this at

Yes, Jerry, there is no sanity clause. ;) You'll need a little more
in your reasoning if you want to sway some of the folks around here.
Especially the part where you ask for $27,000. Your heart seems to be
the right place, but you don't have it all figured out anymore than
mainstream researchers do. IMO.


Secola  /\  Nieft
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