On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Liza May wrote:

> A whole bag is a LOT of cherries. First of all, it's a LOT of sugar,
> if that is an issue for you.

I think that's the most likely culprit.

> Secondly, that's a LOT of citric acid, a substance to which many
> people are allergic. Do you get a headache when you eat a whole lot
> of grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, mangos, pineapples, strawberries; or
> drink a lot of fruit juice; or eat a lot of tomatoes or a lot of
> white potatoes? Or eat a COMBINED lot of any of these things?

nope. I never had a craving for whole lot of any of those things like
did the cherries, although it's waning. last week I craved asparagus
this week it's artichokes.

> The fact that you crave cherries may be an indication that you are
> allergic (or intolerant or sensitive - whatever you want to call
> it). I often find that people's "cravings" are the best indicator of
> which foods they are allergic to.

I doubt I am allergice to cherries.
It is possible that I od'd on the sugar, and I read that cherries are
laxative which I can attest to.

thanks for the feedback!