since you are mostly all raw you are relatively healthy and you are
to get rid of poisons quickly the small amount of cooked that you do
can be responsible try all raw for 3 weeks and see if there is a
if you really want to add the cooked back do it one thing at a time
you might be able to see which food is mostly responsible veggie
tofu, soy milk, bread, margarine, etc they can all be responsible
keep in touch if you try it


another possibitlity is that you are in ketosis
and are not eating enough

At 07:26 AM 6/25/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I've been a vegan for over 20 years & have tried Raw
>Foodism for over a year.  I can't seem to figure out
>why my breath, stool & gas is VERY foul.  I could try
>to blame the breath on may also periodontal disease,
>but why is stool & gas so foul.
>Is it improper food combining? i don't drink 1/2 hour
>before meals or 2 hours after meals & i drink appx 1/2