
I have been following your plight with interest because I've been
experiencing similar things.  I had gone raw in Nov of 98, was raw for
months. I lost 28 lbs (I am now 5'3" and 124lbs) and I am pretty
I am also breastfeeding two kids.  I started yoyoing back to cooked
food.....I had dizzy spells; cravings; low milk supply.  When I would
the "junk food" ie veggie burgers, tofu, chocolate....I would feel
better.....I have been trying to eat about 75% raw but its even harder
do that because when I give myself "permission" to eat cooked, I
I just weighed myself at my neighbors and have put on 5lbs since last
week!!!!! Now when I weighed myself last time I was eating all raw,
and I
did eat a lot (both raw and cooked) today at my SILs house, so I think
its more like a 2-3lb gain, but still!!!!!!  To be honest, I am so
to gain the weight back......I've always struggled with my weight and
am finally comfortable with myself (for the most part; I'd love to
another 5-10lbs)......anyway, I guess I am worried that I am being a
......I am a binge eater.....when I eat raw, I don't binge nearly as
and let's face it, its hard to eat tons of raw.  I also feel "puffy"
I'm eating cooked because I am bloated and gassy.

SO.....anyone else here struggling with an eating disorder/compulsive
eating?  I guess I am concerned esp. since I am nursing two kids!

Thanks! :) Jen aka Kashmir3