At 21:23 15/06/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>One possibility to consider is that when you eat cooked or junk food, you
>stop the elimination or detoxification process which occurs during a raw
>diet or fast.  So naturally you will feel better when you return to junk
>eating, because the toxins are no longer being released into your
>bloodstream.  Instead they remain in your body to give you more serious
>problems down the road.   This makes intuitive sense to me.

mark, thanks for your input, really. but: i was all raw vegan one
percent for almost three years and my symptoms did not go away. more
more the last weeks i am feeling that my body is DESPERATELY trying to
tell me to give up the raw vegan way. for example, when i eat heavy
food, i am less thirsty, i pee less. can you understand or explain
this? i
can not. if i eat say, avo with greens and dulse at night, usually i
be thirsty during the nigth. but check this out: if i eat super deadly
you-name-it, pasta, cheese with honey, etc, i am LESS THIRSTY, and
do not wake up during the night to pee and drink water. can you see
do you think i have the slightest idea about this? no way!! i do not
a clue. and the vitality i have when i eat basically dairy i do not
it when all raw vegan, regardless of sunshine, exercise, etc. so there
simply something my body needs super desperately from either cooked
food or animal food.

>I cannot state >with absolute certainty this is what happening, however,
>because I don't feel I have come close to detoxing sufficiently myself.
>I've haven't been able to stay 100% raw for more than two months, and
>I've never managed more than a three-day fast.
>But my limited experience with raw veganism has been positive.  Shortly
>after beginning this diet, my body spontaneously expelled a cancerous
>bladder polyp (which I didn't even know I had).  After a few more months
>of raw eating I had conventional tests which showed me to be cancer free.
>Like you, I don't want to eat meat, and though I respect those who feel
>they >need it, I am listening to my inner voice which tells me to take
>another path.  I've eaten raw cheese on occasion, but though it is
>filling and satisfying, I can tell the next day that it is clogging up
>my system.

sure, i feel that way too, but at this point it seems that my body is
almost ordering me to eat the stuff, because the energy and strenght
benefits are simply needed. i can lift weight better, have TONS of
energy just like that, and as soon as i go raw vegan again, this
VANISHES mostly. do you think i like this at all? of course not. but
you know, at my age, i just can not function if feeling weak and
dizzy when people around me are just living life, and they do not
even know anything about nutrition.

>this time I feel that what is doing the most for my health and overall
>well-being is raw fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts and seeds (with maybe
>some raw grains) and at least one green juice a day.  I also want to
>start doing some longer (1-2 week) fasts when circumstances permit.

thanks again, and be careful if you fast that long. i seriously,
seriously hurt myself during a two-week fast.