Or, for a tight budget, you could try to acquire a P83 overdrive CPU or
DX4/100 if the motherboard supports one of them.

Does the "buffers=" statement in DOS startup files increase kb buffer?
Martin Kurr
email [log in to unmask]
> From:         John Morgan[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Subject:      Re: [PCBUILD] Keyboard Buffer.
> Put the program on a faster machine.  It'd be able to do sorts, etc
> faster, and
> keep up with her.  As cheap as they are these days, there's no reason not
> to
> pick up a Celeron or AMD K6 based computer.  Even if the program really
> does
> require DOS and won't run under Win95/98 you'd still get a huge
> performance
> gain.
> Errol wrote:
> > At the office we run an old DOS stock control program on a 486 Cyrix
> 66mHz
> > machine with 8meg's ram.
> > The lady who punches the data in is so fast that she causes the computer
> to
> > freeze about 3 times a month.

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