<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Happy Holiday Weekend Everyone!

I don't want to interrupt anyone's holiday activities, but a couple of
things have come up that I haven't seen in the archives and are rather
bothersome for me.

First, does anyone know if popcorn at a movie is safe?

Secondly, of those of you who experience constipation rather than
diarrhea with CD, if you accidently ingest gluten, what has been your
reaction? I thought I was being really careful last night at dinner out,
but 45 minutes after eating, I had diarrhea. My primary symptoms all
these years has been bloating and constipation. I've only been totally
gf for a week and this was my first meal out.

Thirdly, I don't want to embarrass the men on the list, but just since
going gf, I've developed "feminine itching" - though it doesn't seem to
be a yeast infection. Any clues? I haven't had a yeast infection or
these type of symptoms for 20 years. CD connection?

Trying to keep this short, so if anyone needs more info, let me know.

And if anyone has any thoughts on these issues, I would really be
grateful to hear your opinions. I'm really not wanting to eat out again,
would love to have popcorn at a movie, and this itching thing is making
me crazy!

Thanks. Have a safe and fun weekend.  Ayn.