<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

To Newly Diagnosed Celiacs:

When I was first diagnosed several years ago and joined the list, I would
get absolutely crazed when conflicting information was posted and I would
feel as if I had discovered a cure/cause for cancer when I found a product
that was either GF or definitely contaminated.  Looking back, I think it is
normal to go through this type of extreme reaction as most people are so
happy to have a diagnosis that is not a death sentence and are also so
fearful of once again becoming so extremely ill.

Eventually, I became less intense about the whole process.  I try not to
focus so much on food and to accept the fact that there are just some
things not worth eatting or trying to duplicate.  We really do have enough
basic foods available to us to eat fairly normally and fortunately for the
newly diagnosed celiacs, new companies are producing better and better
products everyday.  Also, after awhile, I believe your taste changes and
even though you never forget some of your favorite non GF foods, the desire
to have them becomes less intense and your satisfaction with the different
texture and taste of many of the GF foods does improve.  I made Dietary
Specialties "apple bread" yesterday and I have to say that I thought it was
one of the best things I have ever had.  Maybe my standards for food have
been altered but so what!  Food doesn't really have to be the focal point
of our existence.  It's purpose is to sustain us, not entertain us!

Just my thoughts.
