<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to all who responded.  I really do appreciate it.  I ended up calling
Pharmacia/Upjohn in Kalamazoo, MI,  (of course I called from work today and
left the phone number there...if anyone wants it, please e mail me and I will
get it again) the manufacturers of Cleocin HCL 300 mg, who informed me that
"there are no known traces of gluten" in the medication.  Then our dentist
had a heck of a time finding a pharmacy that had it on hand!  Oh well, so it
goes with CD!  Anyway, here were the responses:

1. My doctor prescribes Cipro. 500 mg before and 500 mg after. No problem,
it is g/f. I also have a mvp.

2. I have the same conditions and my DR. said it's okay not to take anything
before my dental visits.  I was getting very sick from all of the
antibiotics.  I now just take a ton of garlic pills before and the day before
and after my check ups.  Maybe I should be more concerned.

3. I have mitroprolapse and also allergic to penicillan.  I always take
Erythromyacin ( I know this is not spelled correctly).  It is GF.

4. My celiac wife has the same problem and has used the following
prescription in the past.  Her new dentist may be prescribing something
different. It is low cost - six pills do not cost any more that three pills.
ERY-TAB 500 mg EC TAB Abbott Lab
You obviously will need a prescription for this from your dentist.

5. I, too, have to take an antibiotic before and after dental work. I take
ciprobay and have had no problems with it.

6. I always take Biaxin as I have called on it and it works well for me.

7. Some times you have to have the forbidden but find out if the pencillian
shot are ok, I believe he has to have penacillian and no other.

8. Zithromax is a great antibiotic, GF, AND you only have to take it once a
for FIVE days!  This is my kind of medicine!

9. Ask you doctor to prescribe several options and tell him to give you the
name of the manufacturer and phone number of each. He may give you a hard
time, but he can get that info from his Physian's Handbook. (Or you can from
a local library.) There are also a number of web-sites to get info from, but
I haven't used them. I phone the companies directly and ask about gluten-free
status. That way, I know the status myself without relying on someone else's
possibly obsolete or inaccurate data and the company knows that there is a
market for gluten-free.

10. I have the same problems as your husband.  My new dentist has prescribed
Biaxin.  Last I checked  it was gf, but if you want to be sure it is made
by Abbott Lab and you can reach them at 800-255-5162.  My old dentist had
me on erythromycin, which I also checked at the time and it was gf, but
it has been a while and I know longer remember the manufacturer's name.

11. I have mitral valve prolapse, am allergic to penicillin and have celiac.
I have the doctor call in a prescription for Cipro.  It is gluten-free and
easy on my tummy.