<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to everyone who responded to my post.  I had intended to respond to
each of you personally, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

On the Lemonade--a couple of you wrote that you thought it was GF; however,
what we have at church is distributed by Kraft and not on their GGF list.
The ingredients appear safe, so who knows.  Kraft is less than helpful in
establishing whether there really is gluten in it or not.  Thankfully, Kevin
did not react to it.  My guess is that it really is GF, but Kraft for some
reason won't guarantee it.

As far my childcare situation--the situation is a little complicated, so I
didn't do a good job explaining it in my original post.  We have regular
Sunday School teachers who are there every week.  After the Sunday School
hour, they are relieved by volunteer who are on a rotating schedule (every 6
weeks).  We don't speak to these people until we pick Kevin up after the
Worship hour.  And to complicate matters even more, there is a "hostess" who
is responsible for getting snacks (and drinks) to every class room.  I think
the workers in his room probably assumed that the hostess had checked
everything out.

Some of the suggestions I received include:

getting a letter from the doctor; writing an official looking letter and
having it posted in his classroom (which we did); post a note on the snack
cabinet (which we did); put a notice on the trays used for snacks; get a
pamphlet from one of the organizations explaining Celiac and how to handle it
in a school situation

put a sticker on him about his restrictions (which we do--and I've changed
what it says); get a button from the Allergy and Asthma Information Assoc
that says something like "Please don't feed me"; get a medic alert bracelet

a few of you said you had had the same problem (I'm glad to know I'm not

a couple responded as if it were a daycare situation (which it is not)
stating I should look for a new place; withhold payment; or stay at home with
my children (which I do)

let them know how seriously sick he gets

give it time; keep telling them; be patient (thank you for those!  I needed
to hear them.)

provide all his food AND drink (we already keep GF snacks at church, and
we'll start bringing his juice); provide GF snacks for the whole group

take him into the worship service with us

check on the workers before going into worship (which is our new plan)

and finally, bag up diapers after reaction to teach them the importance of
staying gluten free!  (LOL)

Thanks for the help once again.  I really do think by changing what we're
doing just a little, we can make it a workable situation.

Tracey Wolfskill
Fort Worth, TX, USA