Hello, everybody.

> This part is really funny. It is pretty obvious to me, based on both
> science and real person's experiences, that excess sugars of any type,
> especially in a low-protein no-animal-foods raw diet, spike blood sugar,
> increase fatigue, and promote tooth decay as well as general metabolic
> disturbance in the body. Sugars also promote overgrowth of pathogenic
> yeasts when the immune system is weak.

How does one avoid too much sugar in a raw diet then?  It seems to me
fruit is half of the raw food available, vegetables being the other
Right now, I eat only in the morning until 100 to 300 in the
I find that if I eat anything more I get fatigued quite early.  I
this when I read "Fit for Life."  And though I have tried other
this is the one thing that has kept my fatigue at bay the longest.
helps detox also, coinciding with the morning cycle of detox.

Some people hypothesize that the reason I get fatigued (I am
fatigued) is because the sugar throws things off balance.  But when I
anything more, I simply get fatigued earlier.  Does anyone have any
ideas?  I open to trying them.
