Mateja Mikek wrote:

> My questions:
> 1)  Is cocoa (powder) considered paleo?
> 2)  I while ago, carob was mentioned in this list and is an ingredient
> in one (or
> more) of the recipes in paleo recipe collection.... I'm a bit confused -
> is carob
> not a legume?
> (see
> Is it paleo or not?

Others might disagree, but I think cocoa (chocolate) is not paleo while
carob is.  One difference is that cocoa is made from the bean (with a lot
of processing), and carob is made from the pod (just grinding it up).
And the pod could be eaten without further processing, if need be.
Carob also can be eaten without additional sweetening, which chocolate
cannot be--it is entirely too bitter by itself.  Lo-carbers should note that

carob is high in carbohydrates: 7 grams per Tbs, so use carefully.
