>>You have said that your daughter chooses from a variety of raw and cooked
>>foods. Does she show any interest in also eating _live_ foods that may
>>cross her path? ;)
>Ants and slugs have been the only creatures I have seen her eat, often as
>not spitting back out. She tests most any vegetation in her mouth--is that
>a "live" food? ;)

Of course it is! My question didn't exclude that, but I was more interested
in the mobile variety. :) If she spits them out, presumably she doesn't
regard them as food?

I was just curious - as we've discussed before, it would be good to widen
our sources of animal protein to include worms, grubs, etc. For most
adults, there's a huge psychological barrier to overcome, but for a toddler
this wouldn't be the case (unless the parents exhibit anxiety about such
things, which I presume wouldn't apply in your case).
