"Martin C. Tangora (312) 996-3064" wrote:

I don't mind if you think that these are "cute" or even "plausible"
Martin - I'm glad you don't mind what I think at least we are in agreement from jump street @ something.
but I don't think that any of them are historically correct,
and I think it is a bad idea to circulate phony stuff and suggest
that it might have some basis in truth.
Thank goodness I re-read the above @ first I heard bad taste.

I believe that it's always a good idea to circulate more than a bit of phony stuff on any given day & especially on the internet-

The choking Doberman, Mickey Mouse Blotter Acid & "If you think Columbine was BAD wait to you see June 1 at                         "  [type in your local school]- are all worth repeating ad nauseum until people get a grip on reality.

Remember never let the truth get in the way of a good Story.

Drew Diaz