Anju queried:

[ Is there anyone else on this list that eats or wants to eat animal
[ products for health reasons but is concerned about the animal
[ in the industry (keeping in mind that "free-range" and other such
[ labels may be meaningless)?  I would love to hear how other people
[ resolved or are dealing with the two issues, or what your thoughts
[ (For right now I am sticking with fish and "free-range" (hey its
[ something) eggs cause I think these involve a minimal amount of

Jo sez:

I was never the ethical vegan although I do love animals and trample
lightly wherever I go. I was, however, stuck in an intellectual
dilemma, so while my physical health improved greatly on a raw vegan
diet, I'd reached a plateau and then couldn't thrive on it. By
thriving, I mean, a state of vitality and power. It just didn't make
sense anymore to cling to some theoretical ideal when I could NOT
approach the fitness levels I enjoyed as a junk food eating omnivore.

For sure what I could do when I was 20 was largely predicated on the
time and effort put into my training, but I had to honestly admit
that even with my current reduced levels, I just did not feel robust.
Being spiritual, thin and weak is not for me. I'll cultivate the
relationship with my higher self but that is something entirely
independent of what I eat (many raw vegans/fruitarians will disagree
but that is their issue).

And so I'll satisfying my recent hankering for pemmican. Yes, I am
concerned about the treatment of animals by suppliers and I'll
probably visit a local farm or two. But I won't let EarthSave foster
guilt about responding to my physical needs. Cruelty to animals is
one thing, but perhaps slowly damaging my body when the resources are
available, is something I won't do for any organization.