>>I think that enzymes don't have more than a minor importance in human
>>health (already discussed on this list),

Time for an education, methinks!

There is nothing that happens in the human body that does not involve

I presume that what you imply is that its of minor importance to _eat_
enzymes.  And of course the importance would depend on the health of
body.  Howell is of the opinion that dietary intake of enzymes extends
the length and qualitiy of life.

BTW, he claims that there is Lipase in olives, but not in olive oil,
but I
don't know if the olive oil he tested was heated or not ( and I tend
think that it must have been ).

Remember also that there are enzyme inhibitors in many raw foods,in
particular seeds, also potato, egg white, some algae, squid liver; and
consumption of enzyme inhibitors is worse by far than eating cooked of
same foods. (Howell)

FFT (food for thought :)
