Dear paleofood members,
Ray suggested I post a message here asking for testimonials to the paleodiet by memebrs of the list who have had dramatic results following the diet.
If you'd like to help inspire others to this healthy way of living on national TV via infomercial,
please call me asap at 323.654.5488. Or, your welcome to email me, or fax me at 323.654.0385.
Please include a short bio, and a before and after(or current)picture.
If Rays publisher will allow it, he will be onboard too!

I apologize for the rush, but "hollywood" is very last minute, and I have to share your stories and pictures by Tuesday morning.
Participants will receive autographed books, the complete home infomercial program, and free coaching if you desire it.
Thank you so much for your consideration of this request,
Charles Hunt
Author-Charles Hunt's Diet Evolution "Eat Fat and Get Fit!"