Gads, I am the one who posted the original issue... um, I think it's I'll have to check. My information on the pump
is in the hands of my GP. :) My meeting with the guy that installs it is on
Monday. :)

Dana Marshall
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On 5/6/99, at 10:29 AM, Denise D. Goodman wrote:

>I know this issue has been discussed before, but don't really recall what
>said about the intra-something or other Baclofen Pump.   I just saw the
>doctor yesterday- a neurologist and he suggested in three weeks time I
>with an neuro surgen to have one installed.
>The doc has upped my ativan to 3 times a day- so I'm feeling a bit dopey-
>typing is and keeping a cohesive flow is a battle.  I know as soon as my
>adjusts, I'll be fine again.  In the mean-time, could somebody give me
>directions to the archives??
>If you don't want to repost the positive/negatives of the pump- I
> At least if I can ge to the archives, I can look it up from beofre-