<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to all of those who replied.  Many suggestions were made...lots I
didn't like! Give up coffee & chocolate? Here is a brief summary of the
input I recieved.  Thanks to the couple of special ones who worked with me
back and forth to thoroughly examine the entire issue.

1.  Examine life changes

2.  Check thyroid.  Hypo or hyper could cause headaches

3.  Low seratonin levels

4.  chocolate, sugar, dairy, pollens, estrogen levels, allergies, NUTRASWEET,
MSG, red food dye, CHOCOLATE, caffeine, citrus, RED WINE, AGED CHEESE can all
cause headeaches due to allergy or sensitivity.

5.  take 1/2 aspirin per day especially if it could be related to cervical
arthritis causing headaches

6.  see a chiropractor as a vertebrae may need adjusting.

7.  Drink lots of water

8.  Get regualer exercise

9.  Barometric changes

10.  Drugs or treatments suggested:  B Complex, B-12, Skelaxin(muscle relaxant),
Feverfew & Fiorinol

11.  Suggested reading:  4 blood Types, 4 Diets-Eat right for your type by Dr.
Peter D'adamo Is This Your Child?  Discovering & Treating Unrecognized Allergies
in Children & Adults

12.  One suggested that cluster headaches only occur in men & to be careful of

13.  Chemical sensitivity-eg.  formaldehyde

14.  Seek evaluation from a Neurologist.

15.  Massage- several types

I know the possibilities are endless and all kinds of people suffer from
headaches.  This list is such an educated group, it is a pleasure to draw
from its wisdom.  Thanks ever so much.  My doctors apointment is tomorrow.

Sharon in Waterdown, ON Canada.
PS I am Sharon even though the notes come in my husbands name.  E-mail
addressin issues...it's easier this way.