<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I've not been diagnosed with CD yet, but would very much like to know
what some of you think about the myriad of symptoms I have.

I'm a 48-year old female who was diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease in
1980 and underwent a vagotomy to control the stomach ulcers. In addition
to occasional peptic ulcers, chronic low-grade gastritis and esophageal
lesions, I have a pericardial effusion that doesn't resolve or get
larger. I have presented a chronic hematuria since I was 18 years old
that has been attributed to sclerosing of the glomeruli (sp?) of my
kidneys, osteoporosis, probably from an early menopause and being at
high risk, bloating, constipation and the feeling of being full after
eating only three or four bites at a meal. I tested negative for H.
pylori bacteria by biopsy, but when the biopsy was cultured, it was
positive. I was treated for the bacteria twice and feel no better. For
the past year, I've been treated with acyclovir for what we have thought
were recurring herpes simplex erruptions on my shoulder, thighs or arms,
but without much success. Now, I am wondering if these erruptions might
be DH. We haven't biopsied, so I can't be sure. I was diagnosed with
adult ADD five years ago, which seems to be getting worse though I am on
medication. I suffer from allergies to everything outside - trees,
grasses, weeds, molds and dust mites and am on allergy shots weekly.

In my research of celiac, I find that CD can manifest itself in varying
degrees and in different ways. Some of you complain of diarrhea and
others constipation, etc. I am not well-versed on the various
gastrointestinal motility problems, nor do I know much about any small
bowel disease that might be causing the gastrointestinal symptoms.
Treatment for peptic ulcers and H. pylori hasn't been very successful
(Propulsid, Reglan, Prilosec) and I am wanting to look at other
possibilities. I see my gastro April 13 and want to be able to offer
suggestions to him. I can only imagine how difficult the CD diet is
after reading all I could get my hands on, but at this point, the diet
looks like a walk in the park compared to the symptoms I'm struggling
with now.

And as an aside, can anyone give me any tips on making gluten-free bread
in a Regal bread machine? Does it need to rise only once or can it rise
twice? I know I can't go on a gluten-free diet before any testing, but I
have tried to make gf bread and it turns out way too wet!

Any opinions or information would be very much appreciated! I'm really
not wanting to eat anything now, so I need to be as informed as possible
before my Dr. appt. Thanks so much for any help you can offer...
